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Before & After

Brown Roofing Company, Inc. Before & After Photos

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Roof Replacement in Westport, CT

Installed all new roofing system

New GAF life time roofing system Westport, CT

Removed old damaged shingles on this Westport, CT home and installed all new life time GAF roofing system all new gutters and venting soffits.Installed all new pvc rake and fashi boards

Westport, CT Roof Replacement

IKO Dynasty Frostone Shingles.

Full roofing system installed on this home in Westport, CT

This home was in pretty rough shape. There were shingles missing on the back half of the roof and there was a large hole that went all the way through the roof and was just being covered by a tarp. Luckily the damage was between the rafters so there were no major repairs needed.

We started by first ripping up all the old shingles and inspecting the decking layer. The decking layer looked to be in great condition, there were no wet or rotting areas so this gave us the green light to keep moving.

We then laid down decking tape, Sealeron Ice and Water, and a synthetic underlayment. These three layers help protect and insulate the roof. Finally, we installed the shingles flashings, and this customer decided on our IKO Dynasty Granite Black Shingles. For the flashings, we install them around any openings in the roof like vents and chimneys. We also install them anywhere the shingles meet the siding.

Now that the roof was installed we moved on to the gutter system, For this home we installed our 5k Gutter System to ensure that once the water leaves the shingles it efficiently and effectively makes its way down and away from the home. 

Now this homeowner has a brand new full roofing system guaranteed to last them a lifetime.

Bethel, CT Roof Replacement

Replacing a small roof in Bethel

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving Connecticut

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Brown Roofing Inc.
12 Progress Ave
Seymour, CT 06483